Pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela
In our web you will discover information and links that will help you to know more than everything related to the Way and on us: historical – cultural notes, ways, stages, lodgings, advices(councils), anecdotes, photos, illustrations, activities, announcements, chats …
In addition we are preparing several activities to take them I finish for example: exits to be able to train and become accustomed to seeing the signs of the way, contests of photography, meetings to be able to explain all the doubts that you should have about doing the way and you be able to inform about all the doubts that it you should look alike or that it happens to you, You Have dinner of the pilgrim, as well as also we will have a library with guides and books that you will be able to consult. Besides a panel of suggestions and book of messages we will provide the credential of the pilgrim to others.
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What is the Way of Sant James?
From the discovery of the tomb of the Apostle Santiago in Compostela in the 9th century, the Way of Santiago turns into the most important route of the peregrination of the medieval Europe. For the step of the pilgrims promoted to come to Compost Her to venerate the tomb of the Apostle Santiago, this served for an artistic development cultural and economic that I fill with multiple monuments and buildings artitisticos and historical for any route for that the Way of Santiago was passing leaving the fingerprint Jacobea along all this tracing.
But the way is not an archaeological rest with a splendid and historical past if not that is an alive Way, renewed that with the step of the new pilgrims, of the travelers, tourists etc. That re-lives through the way in full 21st century a history of the common heritage( of all the peoples of Europa.

Sant James way guide
The guide on-line of the way is available from Barcelona passing for L’Hospitalet de Llobregat to Santiago de Compostela.